Fotozine “Žičani okidač” : ISSN 1334-0352 : s vama od 6. 6. 1998



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[02. 06. 2010.]

Sa sonyalpharumorsa:

In November 2009 we told you that Sony was working on a completely new type of camera, the Pellix camera. A Pellix camera has a semitransparent and fixed mirror. Canon was once one of the leaders of the semitransparent mirror tecnology (For example with the Canon EOS RT) Those pellix cameras were all film cameras.

SonyAlphaRumors learned that Sony will launch two new Pellix cameras at Photokina (late September). This will be the first digital pellix cameras ever made. Both cameras will feature the new APS-C ExmorHD sensor.

Why should pellix be interesting?

1) Ken Rockwell said it few days ago: “why isn’t (video on DSLR) it good enough for me? Simple: DSLRs have no real autofocus!“. Current DSLR+video cameras like the Canon 5D MarkII or the Nikon D3s do have a very slow contrast autofocus. With the fixed semitransparent mirror from the future Sony cameras you will have a fast working phase detection autofocus not only for stills but also for video. And it will be the fastest autofocus ever made on a DSLR+video camera!

2) The mirror is fixed so there will be no moving parts. That should help you to get sharper images (like on rangefinders)

3) The camera will be more silent!

4) The camera can take pictures (stills!) at over 10fps!

The only minor issue of Pellix cameras is that they have to split the light in two parts. A small part of the light goes to the phase detection sensor and a bigger part to the sensor. You should loose no more than 1/3 EV. We really shouldn’t worry about that

It is clear that Sony wants to offer the best possible video expereince on DSLR cameras! The pellix tecnology combined with the new ExmorHD sensor will almost create the Killer DSLR+video camera. I say “almost” because there is also one more thing we still would need: Raw-video recording. But according to our sources the camea will record in AVCHD format (24/Mbit/s).

What’s the difference between the two cameras? The A55 will record in FullHD (1080 60i/50i) and the A33 in 720p. The body will be very small like current APS-C Sony Alpha cameras. The price of the Pellix cameras? Cheap! I don’t know the price but I am certain it will be cheap!

One more thing. The cameras won’t be called DSLR anymore (Should be something like DSTR T=transparent). And yes it is a “classic” AlphaMount camera.

[02. 06. 2010.]

ja sam se uvijek pitao zasto ne stave prozirno ogledalo i ne maknu mehanicki shutter na digitalcima.. ocito su i to poceli radit :).

woohooo, fotic bez mehanike!! manje toga moze crknut!!

i da jos kao sigma stave neko staklo odmah iza bajonta tako da prasina ne ulazi u tijelo te nemoze doci do chipa niti biti vidiljiva na fotki, fotic bi bio mrak :).

[02. 06. 2010.]

woohooo, fotic bez mehanike!! manje toga moze crknut!!-hahah dobra dobra

[02. 06. 2010.]


[02. 06. 2010.]

:D :D :D :D :D :D

[03. 06. 2010.]

sta? nes sam krivo rekao? :p.

[03. 06. 2010.]


[04. 06. 2010.]

Evo tu sheme sonyjevog patenta pellix kamere, a nije na odmet pregledati i ove stranice.

[15. 06. 2010.]

I malo (pouzdanih) glasina oko detalja:

Finally we have some more reliable infos about the Pellix cameras:

1) The Pellix camera will come with an electornic viewfinder (yes like it is shown on the Sony patent)

2) If you want you will be able to move-up the pellix mirror to avoid the light-loss (but phase detection will not work)

3) At least one camera will record in AVCHD (We don’t know if the A33 will record in AVCHD or Mpeg only)

4) The A55 has a 16 Megapixel sensor and the A33 a 14 Megapixel sensor

Both cameras will be released at Photokina. But As I told you before two more ExmorHD Alpha cameras will be announced soon (yes, before Photokina). More news about that will be posted as soon as we get some more reliable infos!


Znaci, evf (koji uopce ne mora bit losa stvar, dapace :), odlican video (to i je cijeli point), i "taman" kolicina MP. :D

I jos bolje, druga dva SLRa prije photokine, sto u praksi vjerojatno znaci konacno nasljednik a700. :D

[15. 06. 2010.]

evf nemora biti problem ako se napravi kako spada, s dovoljnom rezolucijom, dovoljno velik, i dovoljno osvjetljen tj da prikazuje dovoljno svijetlu sliku. vjerojatno ce imati i exposure simulation, tj pokazivat ce ti odmah koliko ce ti svijetli slika ispasti. a nadajmo se i live histiogram i live pokazivanje kada je nesto izgorili. takoder mi se svida sto se ogledalo moze dignuti da ne izgubis onih prevelikih 0.3ev-a :D.

bas me zanima kako ce to u konacnici izgledati. ja znam samo da je canon patentirao live histiogram u slr-ima, a cini mi se da ce to morati malo naprijed pogurati jer konkurencija ide dalje.

i da, ima taman mpx, nisu pretjerivali previse :). ko zna, mozda i canon i drugi naprave svoju verziju ovog sistema. ajde vidit cemo za 5g :D.

[15. 06. 2010.]

ali kuzis, vise nemoras niti mirror lock-up koristit :D.

[15. 06. 2010.]

Znaci kad je bitna tisina... :D A tek fotografima na filmu, em sto im vise ne treba ono kuciste, em sto mogu usput snimit paralelni film. :D

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